Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Freestone Fermentation Festival at Salmon Creek Falls is a celebration of this miracle, weaving together dynamic presentations and interactive demonstrations on how fermentation works, with the opportunity to taste some of its more spectacular results: breads, cheeses and much more – all hosted in the scenic valley of Freestone in Western Sonoma County.

The food tastings, educational exhibits, classes and talks
are open from noon to 4:30

Master Fermenters of every kind will gather to share their wisdom. See exhibits on how fermentation works. Sample breads, cheeses, miso, pickles, sauerkraut, natto and kombucha. Learn about making fermented foods and drinks in hands-on classes which will reveal many aspects of fermentation and how our diverse participants make it work for them. Feel fermentation at work by dipping your feet into a cedar enzyme bath.

Three keynote talks will be given by leaders in fermented food, bio-compost sprays and cultural ferment.

Also participating is Transition Town, Post-Carbon Institute and Go Local, all creating their own ‘ferment’ of local movements with global implications, right here in Sonoma County!

The music and festivities run from noon till 8pm